Shop nowOur shoe-making process is carried out in Spain uniquely, more precisely from Almansa, a village belonging to Albacete. What make us different from the rest is that we have no stock, WE MAKE ONLY WHAT WE SELL, this way not only we reduce pollution, but mass production, as well as the avoidance of surplus stocks which would normally end up in trash.
We are committed to quality and we focus on the online sale of products made with 100% sustainable materials and ecological production processes.
Our products are manufactured by footwear craftsmen with years of experience in the sector who, by manufacturing the products one by one, take care of every detail to guarantee a great result of your design.

Did you know that approximately 800,000 tons of clothing end up in the trash every year?
Therefore our products are manufactured on demand to avoid creating materials that we do not know if they will have an outlet. We are committed to “slow fashion” and we create what we sell because we love fashion but we also want our impact on the environment to be as small as possible.
Our great differentiation is that WE DO NOT HAVE STOCK, your order is manufactured exclusively for you, thus avoiding the overproduction of unnecessary materials while reducing CO2 emissions.
We manufacture and produce only in Spain, specifically in Almansa, a town in Albacete and we focus on the online sale of our products. We bet on skilled labor, with years of experience in the sector, in this way, our factory colleagues make one by one your ecological slippers, taking care of every detail.
On the other hand, our products are of proximity and KM 0 and you will say: What does this mean? The answer is that by concentrating all the work in Spain, in addition to working with local suppliers, we avoid kilometers of transportation of our products and materials and therefore the pollution that this entails.
We firmly believe in Spanish, ecological and sustainable fashion.